Critical independence and personal integrity revisited

  • Paul H.H.M. Lemmens University of Maastricht
Keywords: industry funding, research ethics, self-regulation, conflicts-of-interest


Lemmens, P. (2016). Critical independence and personal integrity revisited. The International Journal Of Alcohol And Drug Research, 5(1), 13-14. doi:

In my contribution I will deal with the topic of conflicts of interests through four short stories about the potential harms in collaboration between research and industry. I will let you analyze the stories yourself and draw from them your own issues to be debated later.

Author Biography

Paul H.H.M. Lemmens, University of Maastricht
University of Maastricht, Department of Health Promotion, Maastricht/NL.
How to Cite
Lemmens, P. H. (2016). Critical independence and personal integrity revisited. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 5(1), 13-14.