Introduction to IJADR Volume 7, Issue 2

  • Mark Reed -
  • Samantha Wells -
  • Sandra Kuntsche -


Dear Readers,
The editors of the International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research (IJADR) are pleased to announce the release of the second issue of our 7th volume. This issue contains five research papers focused on a wide range of substance use topics such as family member’s satisfaction with alcohol and other drug treatment, risk factors for fractures in pre-menopausal drinkers who are alcohol-dependent, and the risk reduction potential of heat-not-burn tobacco products.
The issue also includes a methodological description of the multinational GENAHTO (Gender and Alcohol’s Harms to Others) project. These papers represent research collaborations occurring in Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, England, and Germany, to name a few.

Thank you for your interest. Please consider submitting your alcohol and drug focused research to the IJADR.

Mark B. Reed, Ph.D.
San Diego State University, School of Social Work, United States

Samantha Wells, Ph.D.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Institute for Mental Health Policy Research, Canada

Sandra Kuntsche, Ph.D.
Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR), School of Psychology & Public Health, La Trobe University, Australia
How to Cite
Reed, M., Wells, S., & Kuntsche, S. (2018). Introduction to IJADR Volume 7, Issue 2. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 7(2), 1.