The Russian translations of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): A document analysis and discussion of implementation challenges
Aims: To analyze existing Russian translations of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and their applicability in Russian-language populations.
Method: Document analysis of different Russian-language versions of the AUDIT and its shorter versions as identified in a systematic search.
Findings: A total of 122 Russian translations of the AUDIT or its shorter versions from Russia and other countries were included in the document analysis, 61 of which were unique versions. Across the translations, a series of inconsistencies was identified, most of which related to the first three consumption items and the concept of a standard drink. The identified problems appeared to have been caused by difficulties in adapting the tool to local drinking patterns and local beverage volumes. None of the analyzed sources mentioned systematic translation procedures according to a predetermined protocol.
Conclusions: Despite the fact that the AUDIT was developed as a standardized screening tool almost 30 years ago, there is still no official translation into the Russian language according to the commonly used procedures for the translation and adaptation of instruments. A systematic translation and validation appears to be urgently needed in order to have an internationally comparable AUDIT for research and clinical purposes in Russian-speaking populations.
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