RESET Alcohol: A Global Alcohol Policy initiative

  • Jacqui Drope Vital Strategies
Keywords: Alcohol, Policy, LMICs, Alcohol taxation, Marketing, Availability


The RESET Alcohol initiative supports national governments in low- and middle-income countries to implement three policy actions from the World Health Organization SAFER technical package: increasing taxation, regulating availability, and restricting marketing.  RESET Alcohol is working in up to 15 countries primarily in Latin America, Africa, and Asia and is led by Vital Strategies, a global public health organization, in partnership with University of Illinois Chicago Tobacconomics, Movendi International, Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, NCD Alliance and the World Health Organization. The initiative is funded by the grantmaking organization Open Philanthropy. This article provides an overview of the initiative and the countries’ progress in its first year of implementation.


How to Cite
Drope, J. (2024). RESET Alcohol: A Global Alcohol Policy initiative. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 12(S1), S4–S5.