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Thylstrup, Birgitte, Aarhus University
Toivio, Joonas, University of Helsinki
Tomsen, Stephen, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney
Toomey, Traci L., University of Minnesota
Tough, Suzanne C., University of Calgary
Tremblay, Paul F., Western University
Trocki, Karen, Alcohol Research Group, Public Health Institute, 6001 Shellmound St., Suite 450, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA
Trolldal, Björn, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Stockholm, Sweden; Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN), Sweden
Tsvetkova, Larissa, St. Petersburg State University
Tumwesigye, Nazarius M., Makerere University, Uganda
Tumwesigye, Special Issue Consulting Editors, Nazarius M.


Ugland, Trygve, Bishop's University
Ulibarri, Monica D., University of California San Diego
Uny , Isabelle , University of Stirling
Urbanoski, Karen, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Uusitalo, Susanne, University of Turku


Vallance, Kate, University of Victoria
Van Bibber, Marilyn, Principal, Nota Bene Consulting Group
van de Goor, Ien, Tilburg University
van de Goor, Ien, Tranzo, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
van de Mheen, Dike, Addiction Research Institute Rotterdam
van de Mheen, Dike, Tranzo, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
van der Sar, Rosalie, Tilburg University
van Hasselt, Ninette, Trimbos-instituut
Vanderplasschen, Wouter, Ghent University
Vatansever, Merve, Department of Forensic Psychology, Ankara University, Institute of Forensic Science, Cebeci Research and Application Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Veldhuis, Cindy B., School of Nursing, Columbia University, 630 West 168th Street, Mail Box Code 6, New York, NY 10032, USA
Vichitkunakorn, Polathep, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University; Centre for Alcohol Studies
Vindevogel, Sofie, University College Ghent
Vissoci, Joao
Volkova, Elena, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Voorham, Lotte, Trimbos-instituut
Vuong, Thu
Vyshinsky, Konstantin, National Research Centre on Addictions – branch, V. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Wadds, Phillip, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney
Wakabayashi, Stacey, School District No. 57
Waleewong, Orratai
Waleewong, Orratai, International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Health, Thailand
Waleewong, Orratai, University of Melbourne; Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Walls, Lori Jane, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta 6-130 Education North, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5
Wanyenze, Rhoda K.
Warpenius, Katariina
Washburn, Isaac, Oklahoma State University
Weil, Ana A., Massachusetts General Hospital and Last Mile Health
Wells, J Elisabeth, University of Otago
Wells, Samantha, -
Wells, Samantha, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Wennberg, Peter, Stockholm University
West, Robert, University College
Wettlaufer, Ashley, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health

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